Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Along the way there will be challenges, things you don’t expect. This goes for your business and your everyday life. 

If you signed up with Plexus to run a business and expected everything to go perfect...your wrong! There will ALWAYS be problems no matter what!!!  It’s not easy reaching success. But it is worth it!!!! SO many people KILL their own business by dealing with problems instead of being productive. How many hours a week are you trying to put out fires??? How many hours a week are you dealing with people in your downline and their personal problems? How many times a week are you calling the home office trying to figure out someone else’s problem? How many times a week are you apologizing for someone. You are wrapped up in the middle of something you don’t want to be in? How many times a week are you playing ref with your team members? How many times a week are you discussing things that are NOT important? GET THE IDEA?????? If you add up all the hours you are taking care of problems instead of being productive it is A LOT OF TIME!!!

It can be exhausting putting out fires all the time. This makes enthusiasm disappear. 
You must remember.... it is YOUR job to move in the direction of your dreams. You need energy to productively work your business!!!!!!!!!

Leaders it is up to YOU to teach your downline how to have a different view. So when a new team member joins your team it is UP TO YOU to remind them that everyone is human. We all make mistakes. Let them know immediately there are going to be problems. Prepare them for problems!!! ALL BUSINESSES HAVE PROBLEMS!!!! So when a problems does arise you can tell them....... see this is what I was preparing you for when you signed up. 

Problems will always be there! You can’t let problems be the reason you don’t do something. You have to find a way to overcome problems. You have to find a way to be successful in spite of problems!!

You can waste hours talking about one certain problem.....does this solve the problem? 

So to sum up this post..... we can waste so much time dealing with POOP! Yes, I said poop. Dealing with poop... day in and day out keeps you from moving forward. 

Building your leaders become a lot easier once you teach them how to handle problems... it just makes your business a breath of fresh air!!!!!!!! 

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