Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Plexus Club 180

If you are NOT a part of Plexus Club 180... YOU ARE MISSING OUT!!!! If you are ready to commit and skyrocket your business in is a MUST to be a part of this group!!!!! JOIN NOW! To understand how Club 180 works.... listen to the call I co hosted tonight with Leadership and Life Coach Scott D Speight. And Emerald Ambassadors Melissa Wilson Goeller and Callie Braud!!!!

The Year In Review

What an incredible year 2014 was!
As we look forward to all the things that 2015 has to offer, take a moment to reflect back on the history-making year that Plexus had!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a very safe and Merry Christmas!!! 

-Jennifer Pool

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Super Saturday

Register today for Super Saturday!

This Ambassador Training event is a must - simply login to your Back Office and click on the Event Registration tab on the menu, select the city in which you will attend, and complete your registration! 

Opportunity Meetings

Did you know that we are hosting Opportunity of a Lifetime Meetings for Ambassadors and Guests in each city on the Friday before Super Saturday? These events are free for all to attend, and are from 7 to 9pm at each location!!!
-Jennifer Pool

New images available in your back office!!!

Image Updates to the Knowledge Base

We've updated your Back Office to include even MORE images and logos for you to use!

Click Downloads in the left hand column

Click either Artwork (to find company and product logos) or Product Images

Images will be updated periodically, as needed
- Jennifer Pool

Holiday Hours

Holiday Hours
Home Office, Will Call, and Shipping in Scottsdale, AZ will all close at Noon local time tomorrow, Wednesday, December 24thfor Christmas Eve. Our Satellite offices will be open between the hours of 10am and 2pmlocal time.
Friday, December 26th: All offices OPEN
New Years Eve, Wednesday, December 31st: All offices CLOSE AT NOON local time
New Years Day, Thursday, January 1st: All offices CLOSED
Friday, January 2nd: All offices OPEN
-Jennifer Pool

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Now available! 
Plexus Slim/Block Combo
Retail Customer Price: $117.95 (112 PV)
Preferred Customer Price: $103.95 (98 PV) ($19 Preferred Customer Bonus)
Ambassador Price: $94.95 (90 PV)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

We are NOT Quitters!

We ARE NOT quitters!! We're not quitters because we strive to better ourselves everyday single day. Or is it because we're afraid of the overall outcome if we do quit? We're not quitters because we will leave stronger than when we walked in. Or is it because we're afraid of being weak amongst the strong?  We're not quitters because we realize that the future can be better than the present and because we have the power to make change and a make difference within ourselves and other people. What ever your reasoning for not quitting, walk in that box with the mindset to not quit and to finish. 

You can NEVER quit!!! Winners never quit and quitters never win 
~Ted Turner

-Jennifer Pool

New Option for Lexus Program

Look at the new luxurious option added to the Lexus program! So awesome!!!

-Jennifer Pool

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Lead YOU! Change YOU!

Facebook Training Moment

Listen up!!!!!!! A MUST READ!!! Fantastic Facebook posting training by Charlotte Siems!!!

Facebook Training Moment: Most of you probably don't realize that I worked for a Social Media company for a year in 2013, as a mindset trainer in their business coaching program. I'm no Social Media expert, but I picked up a bit of knowledge working behind the scenes with some people who are. So here's some training to help you:

If you like something another Ambassador has posted, "Like" it and comment but DO NOT say in your comment "This is great, can I share it?"
Do you know what that does? It spoils the moment. The person wrote a good post that touched emotions. Other people are reading and being affected by it. Then when you post something for your own business, like "Is it okay if I share this?" it takes people out of their emotions and puts them into their intellect. They "wake up" and realize "Oh, they're trying to sell me something" and they scroll past in their newsfeed.

Any Ambassador who "gets" the culture of Plexus won't mind if you borrow their post. Like and comment so they get more views, but don't comment in a way that calls attention to business. I really don't want people messaging me to ask if they can use my post. I get enough messages. You hereby haveth my permission to borroweth my stuff.

One last thing: I mean this in a kind way, but "sharing" is lazy. It's easy to hit the share button. But if several other people shared the same thing, Facebook squashes them together into one post and you get lost in a crowd. Always add your original comment if you use someone else's testimony. Click on the image, save it, and upload it to your post so it won't get lumped with others' shares.

Here's a challenge: make the MAJORITY of your posts original. Don't make them sound like an ad. Make them a story. People love stories. Your newsfeed should be the story of your life, showing you as positive, helpful and happy. Mix in occasional posts about products or sales, but don't blast your business all day. That will turn people off and they'll ignore you.
Hope this helps!

Get out of your OWN way!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

ProPay Signup Sweepstakes

Starting February 1st, Plexus will only be paying our Ambassadors' commission payments with the following three payment methods.  
We will be reducing waste by eliminating paper checks and envelopes. Along with this, we want you to have your commission earnings in your hands on pay day. No more waiting for the mail and making a trip to your bank.
1. ProPay Plexus Prepaid MasterCard - This is now a free card to you - no annual fee. You can use your card anywhere MasterCard is accepted. 
ProPay Signup Sweepstakes
Plexus Ambassadors who sign up for a ProPay card between November 12, 2014 and January 15, 2015, as well as Ambassadors who have already signed up for the ProPay card, will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win their choice of the prizes shown above! One winner will be randomly selected in November, two winners in December and one winner in January - Sign up now, it's easy!
Visit for all the details on the Propay Plexus Prepaid MasterCard and the giveaway!                                       
If you signed up or renewed between September 1st and October 31st  of 2014 and paid for your renewal or sign up, ProPay will issue you a full refund. To receive your refund, simply email with a request to refund your annual fee you paid between September 1 and October 31. Please allow 3-4 business days to process your refund. If you are not sure if you qualify or when you signed up, you can contact us at the email above as well, or call 866.573.0951.
2. E-Wallet - Your commissions are transferred to your e-wallet account to be used at a later time to buy product. You also have the option to transfer the amount to another payment method.
3. Direct Deposit - Plexus pays your commissions directly into your checking account. Plexus only has the ability to send a payment to you. We do not have any other access into your personal banking accounts.
If you are currently receiving your commission payments by paper check, you will need to update your Earnings Payment Method in your Back Office on the My Profile Update page byFebruary 1st to avoid any delays in commission payments.

-Jennifer Pool

Monday, December 1, 2014

Great Leaders...

"Great leaders don't become great in a moment--or in a month or a year. They become great leaders one day at a time throughout their lifetimes. You'll never finish. You'll never completely arrive. You'll constantly and continuously find new ways to serve, and every time you do, your leadership skills will improve and you'll become a better leader."

"A person can serve without leading, but a leader can't lead well without serving."

*The Secret (What Great Leaders Know and Do) by Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller

Monday, November 24, 2014


We are excited to announce our Hosts and Venues for the upcoming Super Saturday event! Scroll down to see who is hosting in each of the cities, and click here to log in to your Back Office and register for Super Saturday!
There will also be an Opportunity of a Lifetime Meeting for Ambassadors and guests on Friday, January 9th from 7-9PM at each of the venues listed below!


21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell

Sharing from the book I am reading.....You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things. ~Mother Teresa

Listen to what I have to say. This will only take 4 minutes of your time!

~Jennifer Pool

Friday, November 21, 2014

Are you "STUCK"??

Are you "STUCK" in life??

CHALLENGE TIME! Plexus Club 180

Club 180 is a program designed to help you achieve maximum success in your Plexus Business. The goal is to reach 180 points each month to qualify for the Club 180 Leadership affirmation call.
You receive one point for each page you read of a leadership or personal development book. Goal is three pages per day. This will help you become a better leader in your business. Second way to earn 180 points is by showing a plan to a new prospect. For each plan you show you earn six points and the goal is to show 15 plans per month. This means share the Plexus Opportunity with 15 people in one month, face to face or over the phone.

Join this page below ONLY if you are 100% committed! This will start Saturday, November 22 and will end on Sunday, December 21. To hold you accountable you will send in your points every Sunday. Please email to

Let's skyrocket our Plexus business in 2015!!!

To hear all the details of how Club 180 works join Scott D Speight on Sunday, November 23 at 6pm (CST) Call: 712-775-7085 pin: 649919#.
Plexus Club 180
-Jennifer Pool

Important...Please Read!

-Jennifer Pool

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Live Beyond Limits

This past weekend I had the honor of co hosting a seminar with guest speaker Scott D. Speight, who is a leadership and life coach from Jacksonville, FL. He has been speaking to audiences of all sizes and on a variety of topics for over 20 years. He is passionate about coaching individuals and organizations to Live Beyond Limits. Scott believes that every group and audience is unique and takes on a whole personality of its own which is why he loves the topic, “Becoming a Person of Interest.” Scott shared with us.. how to stand out from the crowd and be who you were created to be, after all, normal is overrated, right.  He also shared the secret to running the race of life and business to achieve the success you deserve. His goal for us, when we left this seminar, was to have a renewed sense of excitement, passion and a feeling of empowerment to really become, A Person of Interest.

This seminar was POWERFUL! SO many breakthroughs for people. I wanted to give EVERYONE a chance to be a part of it. So I have combined notes from myself and 2 other leaders. I just wanted to make sure nothing was missed! I hope that you take away from this call what many of us took away from Saturday at the seminar. 

Few questions for you:
-Where do you want to be in life? Where do you want to be in 3 years, 5 years or 10 years?
-What is holding you back?

There are 3 zones we live in:
  1. Contentment-  Content with where we are in life. Not really wanting to change anything. Just ok. Stuck.
  2. Average- being average is better than being content. You step out a little. You think about changing your life. But fear of going to the unknown is paralyzing. You may step out of this zone to see what is better but you come right back to it because it’s comfortable. 
  3. Peak Performance- Doing all you can to live the best life. You get up earlier and you stay longer. You sacrifice for your success. You get outside of your house and away from facebook. You get out and meet people!!! 

So how do you break out of your zones. How do you reach peak performance? How do you become a person of interest?

-You have to over come your BIGGEST obstacle, which is YOU!
-When you change your mind YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!
-If you hang around people that are content, that are stuck in life...FIND NEW FRIENDS.
-NEVER stop learning!!!
-Don’t let the word NO keep you stuck in life! Growing up what is the word you heard the most? NO.... no don’t do this, no you can’t do that, I said NO. We are programmed to say NO. 
-Surround yourself with Peak Performers 
-People of Interest look different and run faster!!!
-Always look outside the box
-People of Interest don’t focus on the negative!!
-You will fail if you focus on the haters and the negatives!
-Don’t be content by playing small!
-Set milestones that you can reach. 
-Change 1 thing on a daily basis... just 1 degree difference will take you further. 
-Never stop learning... it takes doing something to learn something.
-If you are ready to run at a professional.... it comes down to you.
-Commit to something BIGGER than YOU!
-Invest in reading at least 3 pages a day... leadership books. motivational books anything that will help you with personal growth.
-Surround yourself with people that inspire you

Most times people let age, circumstances and fear HOLD THEM BACK! 
YOU may be holding someone back because your NOT running at peak performance. It’s time to change. It’s time to become a Person of Interest, step it up and run at Peak Performance!!! If you blame your upline, downline or team... GET OVER IT!!! YOU are the one keeping yourself stuck in life. You have all the tools you need to be successful. It is YOUR responsibility to make yourself successful. Stop being content, stop being average. Be the best you can be!! 

Going to talk some about Relationships 

1+1=3 or does it?
It’s not necessarily the people you meet it’s the people they connect you with. For example. Scott Speight didn’t know me. So how did I just co hosted his seminar. It’s the people he knew and the people I knew who connected us. It’s all about the relationships that you make. 

Be prepared for relationships. Relationships get you where you need to be in life. This is the most important. If you don’t build relationships you will fail at whatever it is you do. 

I want you to think about this.... How do others look at you? 

There are 7 c’s on how others see you:

Character- qualities distinctive to an individual, who you are

Charisma- attractiveness or charm can inspire devotion in others 

Commitment- the state or quality of being dedicated, going to meetings, listening to training calls,dedicated to team, going forward no matter what! 

Communication- the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange

Competence- the quality or state of being functionally adequate, good at what you do

Courage- the quality of mind or spirit and willingness to comfort fear, pain, danger or uncertainty 

Coachable- capable of being easily taught and trained to do something better

There is NOTHING special I do that you CAN’T do!!! There is only ONE person that is a person of interest and that person is YOU. 

As I end this call I want you to challenge yourself. I want you to sit in a room for 30 minutes by yourself. Needs to be quiet... no cell phone, no tv, no distractions. Focus on you. What are the first thoughts about YOU? What are the words coming out of your head? You may not like what you are hearing.... Jennifer you can do better. Jennifer why didn’t you do this the right way, Jennifer why did you give up. Jennifer your not trying hard enough. We tend to beat our own self up. And not like who we are.

The longer you sit the longer you will get clarity. You need to find clarity. When you begin to do that you start to like who you are.  If you don’t like who you are then no one else will like you. You have to be comfortable in your own skin... when you are comfortable with YOU.... is when you attract different people into your life. 

The 7 C's

There are 7 c’s on how others see you:

Character- qualities distinctive to an individual, who you are

Charisma- attractiveness or charm can inspire devotion in others 

Commitment- the state or quality of being dedicated, going to meetings, listening to training calls,dedicated to team, going forward no matter what! 

Communication- the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange

Competence- the quality or state of being functionally adequate, good at what you do

Courage- the quality of mind or spirit and willingness to comfort fear, pain, danger or uncertainty 

Coachable- capable of being easily taught and trained to do something better


Who's READY for a CHALLENGE??!!! Be on the lookout... Jennifer Girndt-Pool will be posting an AWESOME challenge this week!!! Stay tuned.....

Thursday, November 13, 2014

If You Never Try You Will Never Know!!!

Stop looking at the past and all the things you can’t change. They’re done and over with. Now is the time for you to look to the future, grasp it by the hand, and decide where you want to go.
~The Flip Flop CEO
-Jennifer Pool

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Product - Frequently Asked Questions

I have added a Page - Product FAQ -------------------->

A November To Remember

A November to Remember

How to Qualify: Personally Sponsor 1 new AMB (with Welcome Pack) and 1 new customer (with minimum 50 PV order) and have a minimum of 250 PV

Qualification Period: Nov 1 - Nov 30th

Reward: $25 added to Plexus Credit Balance, credit to be used on new orders December 1st - 31st

*Maximum 1 $25 credit added per Ambassador. New Ambassadors must purchase Welcome Pack to qualify. New Customers must place initial order of 50 PV or higher to qualify. The $25 will be added to the winning Ambassadors' Credit Balance. Credit can be used on new orders only, between December 1st and December 31st. Credit Balance cannot be used on apparel/promotional tools.

2015 Plexus Convention

On Friday, November 14th we plan on opening registration for our 2015 Convention, along with a list of links to our Plexus preferred hotels. We do not have a "host" hotel - all Plexus preferred hotels are within small street block of each other in downtown Phoenix.

Please do not contact the hotels directly prior to the announcement as it creates an unfair situation. It is also requested that you do not contact the Convention and Visitors Bureaus, or the hotels directly, to obtain rooms or room block information. Unfortunately, information can get misinterpreted if it does not come directly from the Plexus Corporate Team.

Plexus is able to get discounted rates by signing contracts with each hotel. It is extremely important that everyone follows the communication and policies we have in place. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you all in Phoenix!

Ambassadors' Commission Payments

Starting February 1st, Plexus will only be paying our Ambassadors' commission payments with the following three payment methods.

We will be reducing waste by eliminating paper checks and envelopes. Along with this, we want you to have your commission earnings in your hands on pay day. No more waiting for the mail and making a trip to your bank.

Direct Deposit - Plexus pays your commissions directly into your checking account. Plexus only has the ability to send a payment to you. We do not have any other access into your personal banking accounts.

ProPay Plexus Prepaid MasterCard - This is now a free card to you - no annual fee. You can use your card anywhere MasterCard is accepted. If you signed up or renewed between September 1st and October 31st of 2014 and paid for your renewal or sign up, ProPay will issue you a full refund. To receive your refund, simply email with a request to refund your annual fee you paid between September 1 and October 31. Please allow 3-4 business days to process your refund. If you are not sure if you qualify or when you signed up, you can contact us at the email above as well, or call 866.573.0951.

Amazing opportunity for existing ProPay card holders and new signups!
Plexus Ambassadors who sign up for a ProPay card between November 12, 2014 and January 15, 2015, as well as Ambassadors who have already signed up for the ProPay card, will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win their choice of the following:
Apple Watch Sport
Coach Handbag
Beats by DRE Headphones
IPAD mini
One winner will be randomly selected in November, two winners in December and one winner in January - Sign up now, it's easy!

Visit for all the details on the Propay Plexus Prepaid MasterCard and the giveaway!

E-Wallet - Your commissions are transferred to your e-wallet account to be used at a later time to buy product. Also you have the option to transfer the amount to another payment method.
Starting Wednesday, November 12th, new Ambassadors joining Plexus will have only the above 3 commission payment options.

If you are currently receiving your commission payments by paper check, you will need to update your Earnings Payment Method in your Back Office on the My Profile Update page by February 1st to avoid any delays in commission payments.

New Ambassador Marketing Kit

From : Ginger Cannon
Hello all, I have had numerous folks that have asked for this. It's a New Ambassador Marketing Kit. I have now added it to the website. The Marketing kit costs $50.00 and includes 500 business cards and 50 brochures of their choice. There is also a space at the bottom of the order page to add "Person responsible for payment". All you have to do is make sure I have your information and have your new ambassadors fill out this form. I will then send proofs to them and ship to them, but get payment from you... Click on the link below to see. This will help you get your downline excited and share Plexus and build their business.

Cross Company Recruiting Violations

From Compliance....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!!!

We have posted this policy before but with the amount of recent violations, it’s important we talk about this policy and ask for your help.

Recently we have seen an overwhelming amount of Cross Company Recruiting violations. Cross Company Recruiting is when an Ambassador who belongs to another MLM recruits other Plexus Ambassadors to join or purchase the products from the other MLM.

 The recent violations we have seen are Ambassadors creating private Facebook pages and inviting Plexus Ambassadors to join the page so they can secretly talk about the other MLM. While we do allow Ambassadors to join other MLMs that do not have competing products we do not allow Ambassadors to contact Plexus Ambassadors that are not their level one.

Alot of Ambassadors don’t seem to understand the impact this violation has on their downlines. If an Ambassador contacts other Ambassadors in their downline to join the other MLM, their focus will be with the other MLM and not on Plexus. We have seen sales volume go down and Ambassadors no longer reaching the commission amount they once did. If an Ambassador loses focus with their Plexus business, they are not able to provide support or training to their downline and therefore their downline suffers. Also, if the Ambassador and the Ambassadors they recruited are selling the other MLM’s products they are not selling Plexus products and therefore company sales go down. The value of the Plexus Pay Point is based on total company sales. If the sales go down, the point value will go down which will affect every Ambassador company wide.

Ambassadors that Cross Company Recruit will take an average of 30 Ambassadors from their downline to the other MLM. Currently the Compliance department is investigating approximately 20 Ambassadors violating this policy. This means we have 600 Ambassadors focusing on another MLM. We talk about how your organization can grow by adding three. You add three, they add three and they add three. You keep going and soon enough you have a large downline. What would happen if we allowed this to happen with Cross Company Recruiting? If an Ambassador wishes to join another MLM that does not have competing product we ask that they do it the right way. Keep the two businesses separate. It is very difficult and see why violations are happening. You cannot mention the other MLM anywhere where other Plexus Ambassadors can see it. Even mentioning that you work for the other MLM on your Facebook page that has Plexus Ambassadors as friends is a violation.
We are asking for every Ambassador to think before joining another MLM. Can you separate the two MLM’s, can you work both MLM’s, can you continue to support your downline if you join another MLM?

Compliance department never wants to suspend an Ambassador. It’s always our last option, but if the impact is great to the downline, we must do what is best for the downline. Most of the Ambassadors found violating this policy do not realize the financial impact their actions have on their downline and every other Ambassador company wide. If you have been approached by an Ambassador to join another MLM and they are not your sponsor, this is a violation of the Cross Company Recruiting policy. Please help us and report them. Take a screenshot of the contact and send it to
We will make every effort to work with the Ambassador so they are doing it the right way.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Today is my tomorrow. It's up to me to shape it. To take control and seize every opportunity. The power is in the choices I make each day. I SHAPE ME!!!
-Jennifer Pool

Registration is NOW Open for Super Saturday 2015

Registration is now open for Super Saturday 2015!
Venues, hosts, and more details to be announced soon!

Scroll down to see the cities we will be this January - This important Ambassador Training event is only $17.95 (the registration fee secures your spot at this event and covers any training materials) and you don't want to miss it!

Mark your calendars - we will also be holding Opportunity of a Lifetime Meetings for you and your guests the night before Super Saturday in each of these cities!

Login to your Back Office and register today!

Use the Event Registration tab and select the city where you will be attending!
-Jennifer Pool

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

“Becoming a Person of Interest"

Personal growth helps make you a better you which makes you a better leader!!!! Come find out how to live beyond limits, become a person of interest and how to stand out from the crowd!!!
Saturday, November 15, Katy Tx VFW Hall from 9-3 (lunch is provided)
(see website below for more details)
Diamond Ambassador Jennifer Pool is cohosting this seminar, along with:
Kimberly Silver- Sapphire Ambassador
Candace Briley- Emerald Ambassador
Candie Strahan -Sr Ruby Ambassador
April Mancini- Ruby Ambassador
David Strahan- Sr Gold Ambassador
Guest Speaker is Scott D. Speight, a leadership and life coach from Jacksonville, FL. He has been speaking to audiences of all sizes and on a variety of topics for over 20 years. He is passionate about coaching individuals and organizations to Live Beyond Limits. Scott believes that every group and audience is unique and takes on a whole personality of its own which is why he loves the topic, “Becoming a Person of Interest.” Scott shares in this seminar how to stand out from the crowd and be who you were created to be, after all, normal is overrated. In this talk he also shares the secret to running the race of life and business to achieve the success you deserve. When you leave this seminar you will have a renewed sense of excitement, passion and a feeling of empowerment to really become, A Person of Interest.
Other Jewels that will be attending:
Alicen Breaux- Diamond Ambassador
Rayne Spaulding- Diamond Ambassador
Leslie Kyle- Diamond Ambassador
Callie Braud- Emerald Ambassador
Melissa Goeller- Emerald Ambassador
Please see website below and GET REGISTERED TODAY!!!!! Limited seating!!! Don't miss this!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tips From The TOP

This list of Tips was compiled by Plexus Diamond ambassador Sara Marble to help you grow your business with advice from our very own Diamonds in Plexus! She asked everyone to share one business building "tip" to inspire and motivate us!

Laurie Cooper - Educating myself on everything I could with network marketing, our company and our products. Caring about other peoples’ success and doing everything I could to help them learn what they needed. Building real relationships with people and asking God to guide me in everything. Overflow with passion and excitement and give people hope that this can happen for them too. Never ever ever tolerate or get involved with anything negative. My blinders are always on and my eyes are on the big picture and the vision that God showed me. If there is rock in the road I probably won't see it.

Jenn Hawkins - Asking questions and then telling a real life testimony that relates to their need/desire.

Cheyenne Weable - Be honest and sincere. Follow up, follow up, follow up. Educate your customers and downline on all products and their benefits.

Alicia McKee - Spend some time on the Plexus Worldwide Youtube channel! There are over 200 videos and trainings there - straight from Plexus. Diamond Documentaries, product videos, comp plan videos... Make a plan to watch or listen to a Wednesday night call once a day. You can do this while in the car or while cleaning up the kitchen or making dinner! There is so much to learn. I gave up TV when I started and record a few shows here and there but rarely RARELY watch TV. And guess what. I don't miss it! I would rather be learning about Plexus and how to grow my biz" 

Stephanie Wehrle Huffman - Knowledge is power! Read! Read! I agree with Alicia..... I remember watching everything I could get my hands on specific to plexus! I now encourage my team members to do the same.

Jana Lane Garcia - Find ways to connect people - especially the motivated ones that want it. Whether that be a chat, group or group text, a daily place for people to see motivating chatter can be a game changer for some. It's a hit or miss thing. Sometimes they are successful and sometimes they aren't. But the successful ones make a world of difference. Especially if most of your team is not local, so not much opportunity for in person meetings. Never stop brainstorming ideas that will help people learn and get out of their comfort zone, and encourage continual learning/improving.

Gina C. Foret - When out and about don’t always have your phone in your face.  Instead, tell people you meet hello – they could be your next rock star. Finds ways to talk to people.  For example, when in line at the store hand the person in front of you a blitz card tell them you are expanding your business.  Ask them if they know anyone your products could help.

Alicen Ford Breaux - Master the skill of inviting. Invite people daily to take your business card, look at the opportunity video, attend a meeting, listen to the opportunity call, etc.  Stay consistent in every aspect of your business and with using your products. This is so important.

Kelly Norman - Make a list of 100 people... remember: you will always be adding to this list as you meet more people and others come to your mind. I like to use the F.R.A.N.K.s method (Friends Relatives Acquaintances Neighbors and Kids) to boost my mind. Once you have your list circle 20 to contact. You can email, text, inbox or better yet call! Remember there is fortune in the follow-up! Sometimes it takes 6 exposures for someone to jump on board. I also like to encourage 3 way calls when you are contacting people. If they seem interested and want to know more info, see if you can set a three way up with your upline. Bring new life into your downline.  It creates momentum! Let your downline know you WILL match their energy! Last but not least, you have a small window after someone signs up of raw excitement. Make sure you are training and encouraging quickly after signing them up.

Sheila Medina - Testimonies!!! Share! Don't keep this product or business opportunity a Secret!!

Beth Anderson - I say communication with team members. And not just over Facebook. Call each of them and continue training them. Make things personal. People like real! Testimonies of people you know personally work best for me. I like smaller meetings to. We have small trainings with our team and small social dinners to brainstorm.

Jeddie Harrison - Learn the difference between linear and residual income. I mean I can do the cabbage patch in the living room while in my skivvies any hour of the day and make the same money that I did the hour that I actually worked in those same skivvies. Show me a better way and I'll follow!

Rozalyn White Payne - I have found that constant training has really helped my team grow at a nice pace! It gives folks a confidence in their business. Always circle back to basics, especially when you are adding lots of newbies to your team each month. Often re-share and post in your team pages basic information for your team in terms of posting rules, what to post and why, encourage to then POST their why, explain the money back guarantee, that Business Building Bonuses are paid on Friday paychecks and what commissions are paid on our 15th checks, remind them that the 28th is normally when autoquals run, that new ambassadors are not required to have a $100 PV in their first month, and that Social Media is currently the strongest platform we now have to share Plexus and build our business. Remind folks that they do not have to reinvent the wheel, that the path to success with this business has been paved for them...they just need to pick up the reigns and move forward with drive and passion. Duplication is key and if we can get our downlines to train as we train, at the level in which we do, that it will only make our team stronger and will in turn grow our businesses at a fast pace! And lastly, Pray over your team, daily...the power of prayer is immeasurable!"

Lori Word Harrison - Remember that we - everyone currently involved in Plexus - are trailblazers in a revolution!
And EVERY single experience, whether it's positive progress or an incident that makes you pull your hair out-- is a chance to sharpen your skills- so you can lead better. Things have a way of naturally cycling back around. Once you've been down a dark road once, it's easier to navigate the next time- and even bring folks with you! Also, don't take everything so seriously. When you are making decisions, and your heart is battling your mind -
Go with the "right thing" to do every time! It may feel like a "loss" at the moment, but it always comes back around to you!

Stacey Hinson Hickerson - Self growth, making connections with new people, staying connected to your team, and feeding your mind with positives and testimonies.

Tammy Elmore - 1) Share YOUR story no matter how big or small. People are looking for REAL life experiences from REAL people. 2) Don't spend your precious time trying to resurrect the dead! 3) Provide training for your team. Get them involved with ideas that are doable. 4) Stay plugged in!! Visit training groups often, listen to weekly conference calls, attend events and meetings.

Jerit Abart – 1) Lead with a servant heart 2) Don't ask your team to do something you aren't willing to do. 3) Negativity is cancer - eliminate it 4) Keep things simple - we can all learn sales pitches and new social media techniques - but focus on treating people like you want to be treated. Learn the Lost Skill of being friendly and kind.

Amy Sage - Be coachable. Don't reinvent the wheel. Plug into your team training groups, utilize the amazing marketing videos Plexus has created for us, share our weekly Opportunity calls with prospects ... and most importantly, do what others before you have already done and succeeded doing! This business does not have to be hard.  Be a product of the product and share with others how you feel. It's the benefits that our products and our business opportunity create that "sell" ... so avoid puking the details, unless asked!

Amy Cunnington - Build relationships. And remember God gave us 2 ears and only one mouth so listening is a big thing when promoting our business. And also lead by example.

Helen McFadden - What incredible leaders we have here!!!!! I often think about a very powerful quote "If you make people feel good, they will never leave you" Yes, Plexus is a business, and an amazing financial opportunity, but the "family" and the feeling of "one team one mission" is what separates us from any other MLM. I spend a lot of time pouring into my team and creating camaraderie the best I can. I have events in my home, events in my suite (had one after Halloween party and gave them all gifts), purposefully went to Disney and spent the day with 18 of my team (they all said it was their best Plexus day ever and bonded like you wouldn't believe, it really was incredible, a day we'll never forget), Silver & above breakfasts, Christmas parties in my home, I treat my level ones like GOLD (bought them all massages in Hawaii and usually treat them to dinner at events), send notes & gifts and run very few contests - I want them to know how much I care and appreciate, and to see them do this now for THEIR teams, makes me believe it's working. Each team in my level ones have such a bond. It's all about relationships and trust and keeping it real. We cannot pour enough into our teams and build our level ones up with belief. Then, when their business gets tough - which we all know it will, they feel connected and loved, not just by me, but by all of us on our team since they've built relationships with everyone. It's really extended family....Bottom line, invest in your team, give them unconditional love, and you will have a team for life.

Lori Welch - Lately for me it has been a combination of three things. One is having the attitude I had in the beginning which was asking God to lead me to the right people and trusting He will. The second is being way bolder. I am pretty bold but I took bold up a few notches lately because if I am going to be asking God to show me who I need to be talking to. The third is spending time with my level ones - just making myself available to one or two a week if I can. Going for coffee or a walk and listening. I got that advice from something Helen wrote awhile back. I think it is helping them. They are growing and I enjoy it too cause they are my friends. The biggest thing is not stressing and just consistently working. That has been personal growth for me. It's like God said "Hey Miss Diamond do you seriously think you got yourself here by yourself? Um no." Guess this is not really worded like "training tips" but that is what is really on my heart. I will do training tips next…. This may be very simple but I really like training "The Perfect 10" worksheet and asking my people to keep their completed ones so they can actually visibly see what they are actually doing each week to grow their business. They serve as a great reminder.

Sonya Dudley - Focus on others , connecting, duplication is the key, you don’t need to be the best sales person, but be able to teach what you know... simple, simple, People want honesty and realness and so be fun and goofy is fine!! You just need to make them feel important from day 1…

Sara Marble - Be coachable. Personal growth and development has been key for me and my journey. Learning something new every day from everyone around me as well as seeking out books and audios to help increase my belief and give me the skills needed to be successful! Keep it simple. Don’t reinvent the wheel. We have amazing tools that can be used to plug people in and help them feel motivated and connected. Set goals and stay focused. Don’t compare and remember we are all on a different journey. Effective time management is very important and you have to make an effort to set business hours and work those consistently with income producing activities! And above all else, the best advice for success in my opinion is operating by the golden rule: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and you can’t go wrong!”

Celeste Gwynn - I think it's important to create buzz and excitement about product and opportunity right off the bat!!!

Debra Lawson - The Power of Three is my go to sheet. I like to teach collect 100 names - star your top 10 and start sharing Plexus with your top 10. We all have 3 friends that would do Plexus with you. And then get each one to Silver as soon as you can. The Perfect 10 worksheet is a great sheet to track your Income Producing Activities. I also share with my team that Facebook post are a must BUT not an IPA. Real IPA's are talking to folks sharing the Product or Opportunity.

Jerry Lawson - When he approaches people and they start taking the product …He just tells them straight up - This product you will take for the next 60 days. We have a 60 day guarantee in place. His point is that you can't decide in just 3 days, two weeks and sometimes a month if this product works for you or not. Sometimes it takes 60 days for some to notice a difference. Jerry - puts the thought in their mind yes I am going to take the challenge and take it for 60 days.

Heather Burke - I think that showing people your personal journey is one of the keys to success. I posted other people's testimonies for 3 months straight and hardly had any nibbles. The week that I made myself vulnerable and really put it out there what Plexus had done for me (admitting that I had been on anxiety meds for years to help w/ my panic attacks was NOT easy for me), I signed 5 ambassadors and my sales doubled. In one week. What I realized was that I was exposing people to Plexus and they were somewhat interested, but when they saw MY personal experience, they were sold. I've seen that countless times on my team. Transparency is key in this business! We never know what other people are dealing with behind that computer screen or phone. Being real might just change their world... and yours.

Susie McColl - I think the biggest thing we have going for us is our passion for the plexus products, being "real" and being lighthearted.  We don't know if someone is a level one to us or a level 8, we still help them. We purposefully don't use words like "downline" or "upline" or "leg" - we always say "team". Now, we've never been part of a MLM before, so this is just how we've been since the get go. We would never want our team to feel as if they are working "for us" - thus the "McColl Minions" shirts at Halloween party - they knew we would die when we saw those! Our team page is incredible and I thank God for it as I certainly didn't know what I was doing when I created it. There is so much encouragement and support amongst our team. So it is kind of like one big family support group. We recognize birthdays, they ask for prayer requests, etc.

Dana Benson - 1) Be yourself -do not try to be someone else. 2) Have meetings, go to them, be involved with them, and always look for them. Support your teammates and go to theirs when you can. 3) Try and push yourself with something to get you out of your comfort zone as often as you can. 4) Find a creative way to invest in all of your relationships.

Angie Thompson - We have always stuck with personally helping each level one we sponsor get to Silver in their first month. Offer to do a small launch event for them to introduce them and plexus to their contacts. This will get people out of the starting block so to speak with a jump! Treat your ambassadors like you treat your customers and it will pay off. Put a system in place and stick to it and don't give up!

Susanne Clinton - The key for me is investing! Investing in friends, customers, marketing is relationship marketing which has been a huge part of what has made me successful! Following up, showing u care, and helping others to better their life both health and wealth. Also being relatable and able to identify with others struggles is huge for me. Focusing on getting my ambassadors to silver and my silvers to gold had been key. Most Gold and above are 'all in' and in it for the long haul.

Candy Murnan - So you’ve “seized" the opportunity to talk Plexus at random with someone but did you OWN that opportunity and maximize the effectiveness of it?  Here is what I mean..
I was watching my daughters school play this week and someone asks about my Pink Drink that I have in my hand. I give them a 30 sec rundown (Seized the chance to talk Plexus) but most importantly I ask if they are on FB and if I can friend request them. I do it on the spot and let them know (Owning the opportunity). After the play, on the ride home, I send her a Private Message with my link and a nice little note about the school play.
I started immediate engagement. I didn’t wait to get home to begin to engage. I committed to her and she to me immediately. It’s more than seizing the opportunity it’s about taking ownership of it. Own those random opportunities by taking immediate action to maximize the connection.  Live in the moment to SUCCEED in the future!

Rayne Spaulding - Follow up, follow up, follow up has been the one consistent key to success. This includes customers as well as your team. Making yourself available and relatable is crucial as well. I'm sure these points have been made before me. Like you said there is no secret- you just have to believe in yourself, dig in, do it and never give up.

Breanne Parks - Organization is key for me! Get good systems in place for customer follow up, preferred customer program (keeps referrals coming), team training, productive business activities, new customers, new ambassadors (duplication list) and ALWAYS stay consistent!! When you put systems in place and mark your calendar, you are more inclined to stick to it and your business will run more smoothly:)

Angie Johnson - Never treat your downline or customers like a dollar sign...listen to them. Even if they are complaining...some just need to be heard. Be real, be honest, but most of all be yourself. Follow up and do what you say you are going to do. Read books, listen to audios, go to meetings and learn as much as you can. Read what is in your back office as well. Post on all social media sites and share Plexus with everyone. If people trust you and see that you are a product of the product and you sincerely love what you do....they will be curious and want to know what makes you so happy. Ease drop on conversations for the opportunity to share Plexus. Treat people with respect and give them the same time you are willing to take away from them by sharing the opportunity with them. Make a new list of prospects often. Share your story. BE POSITIVE!!!!

Ronnie Cuevas (Coach) - We are a product driven company! Therefore, make it your Goal each and every month to sell 10 Decision Packs!! A $100.00 investment in your Business is all it takes!! Purchase 10 decision packs, Sell them, take the money and reinvest each month!! You will be finding 10 new potential customers and ambassadors each month!! Follow up with your prospects!!!

Jennifer Pool- You are going to face challenges in your every day life, your business and work. It's how you handle these challenges and problems that will make you or break you. Don't let a challenge keep you from success. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you! "Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful" Joshua J. Marine

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! Hard work. Dedication. Leadership. A servant heart. Making a plan and staying focused and you can achieve your dreams too!!!