Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Live Beyond Limits

This past weekend I had the honor of co hosting a seminar with guest speaker Scott D. Speight, who is a leadership and life coach from Jacksonville, FL. He has been speaking to audiences of all sizes and on a variety of topics for over 20 years. He is passionate about coaching individuals and organizations to Live Beyond Limits. Scott believes that every group and audience is unique and takes on a whole personality of its own which is why he loves the topic, “Becoming a Person of Interest.” Scott shared with us.. how to stand out from the crowd and be who you were created to be, after all, normal is overrated, right.  He also shared the secret to running the race of life and business to achieve the success you deserve. His goal for us, when we left this seminar, was to have a renewed sense of excitement, passion and a feeling of empowerment to really become, A Person of Interest.

This seminar was POWERFUL! SO many breakthroughs for people. I wanted to give EVERYONE a chance to be a part of it. So I have combined notes from myself and 2 other leaders. I just wanted to make sure nothing was missed! I hope that you take away from this call what many of us took away from Saturday at the seminar. 

Few questions for you:
-Where do you want to be in life? Where do you want to be in 3 years, 5 years or 10 years?
-What is holding you back?

There are 3 zones we live in:
  1. Contentment-  Content with where we are in life. Not really wanting to change anything. Just ok. Stuck.
  2. Average- being average is better than being content. You step out a little. You think about changing your life. But fear of going to the unknown is paralyzing. You may step out of this zone to see what is better but you come right back to it because it’s comfortable. 
  3. Peak Performance- Doing all you can to live the best life. You get up earlier and you stay longer. You sacrifice for your success. You get outside of your house and away from facebook. You get out and meet people!!! 

So how do you break out of your zones. How do you reach peak performance? How do you become a person of interest?

-You have to over come your BIGGEST obstacle, which is YOU!
-When you change your mind YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!
-If you hang around people that are content, that are stuck in life...FIND NEW FRIENDS.
-NEVER stop learning!!!
-Don’t let the word NO keep you stuck in life! Growing up what is the word you heard the most? NO.... no don’t do this, no you can’t do that, I said NO. We are programmed to say NO. 
-Surround yourself with Peak Performers 
-People of Interest look different and run faster!!!
-Always look outside the box
-People of Interest don’t focus on the negative!!
-You will fail if you focus on the haters and the negatives!
-Don’t be content by playing small!
-Set milestones that you can reach. 
-Change 1 thing on a daily basis... just 1 degree difference will take you further. 
-Never stop learning... it takes doing something to learn something.
-If you are ready to run at a professional.... it comes down to you.
-Commit to something BIGGER than YOU!
-Invest in reading at least 3 pages a day... leadership books. motivational books anything that will help you with personal growth.
-Surround yourself with people that inspire you

Most times people let age, circumstances and fear HOLD THEM BACK! 
YOU may be holding someone back because your NOT running at peak performance. It’s time to change. It’s time to become a Person of Interest, step it up and run at Peak Performance!!! If you blame your upline, downline or team... GET OVER IT!!! YOU are the one keeping yourself stuck in life. You have all the tools you need to be successful. It is YOUR responsibility to make yourself successful. Stop being content, stop being average. Be the best you can be!! 

Going to talk some about Relationships 

1+1=3 or does it?
It’s not necessarily the people you meet it’s the people they connect you with. For example. Scott Speight didn’t know me. So how did I just co hosted his seminar. It’s the people he knew and the people I knew who connected us. It’s all about the relationships that you make. 

Be prepared for relationships. Relationships get you where you need to be in life. This is the most important. If you don’t build relationships you will fail at whatever it is you do. 

I want you to think about this.... How do others look at you? 

There are 7 c’s on how others see you:

Character- qualities distinctive to an individual, who you are

Charisma- attractiveness or charm can inspire devotion in others 

Commitment- the state or quality of being dedicated, going to meetings, listening to training calls,dedicated to team, going forward no matter what! 

Communication- the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange

Competence- the quality or state of being functionally adequate, good at what you do

Courage- the quality of mind or spirit and willingness to comfort fear, pain, danger or uncertainty 

Coachable- capable of being easily taught and trained to do something better

There is NOTHING special I do that you CAN’T do!!! There is only ONE person that is a person of interest and that person is YOU. 

As I end this call I want you to challenge yourself. I want you to sit in a room for 30 minutes by yourself. Needs to be quiet... no cell phone, no tv, no distractions. Focus on you. What are the first thoughts about YOU? What are the words coming out of your head? You may not like what you are hearing.... Jennifer you can do better. Jennifer why didn’t you do this the right way, Jennifer why did you give up. Jennifer your not trying hard enough. We tend to beat our own self up. And not like who we are.

The longer you sit the longer you will get clarity. You need to find clarity. When you begin to do that you start to like who you are.  If you don’t like who you are then no one else will like you. You have to be comfortable in your own skin... when you are comfortable with YOU.... is when you attract different people into your life. 

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